As mentioned last week (I think?), I mentioned the $8 science project on the Swiss-French border that "some" say might lead to the end of the world. Well, guess what?!
In 5 hours, they are going to turn it on!!! (3Am, Eastern Time)
But relax! Nothing is going to happen immediately. Here is why: (An excerpt from The NY Times)
Failing a collision with an unforeseen asteroid or an invasion from Alpha Centauri, the world will probably not end on Wednesday, but a lot of people will be holding their breath anyway.
At roughly 3:30 a.m. Eastern time, scientists at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, say they will try to send the first beam of protons around a 17-mile-long racetrack known as the Large Hadron Collider, 300 feet underneath the Swiss-French border outside Geneva.
The first collisions, at a non-Earth-shattering energy of 450 billion electron volts apiece, will not happen for another couple of weeks or so. And it might take a month or two to ramp up the proton energies to five trillion electron volts — as high as the machine will go before shutting down for the winter — and collide them.