Saturday, September 27, 2008


[Don't worry! I too was trying to figure out if maybe it was just me that wasn't getting's not.]

It got my attention!

This is an excerpt from a article:

Hirst Buys Paris 'Porn' Portrait

British artist Damien Hirst has paid an undisclosed amount for a portrait of US socialite Paris Hilton made from images taken from pornographic magazines. The collage - entitled Paris, 2008 - was the work of Jonathan Yeo, the son of former Conservative minister Tim.


Documents the filmmakers journey toward discovering the truth about an Israeli Army mission he participated in during the first Lebanon War of the early 1980s that left him with a loss of memory about the events. The long-forgotten images begin to resurface as the director interviews old friends and comrades around the world.

Sick Nasty!

Umm...I want one please.

By Israeli designer Amir Glinik.

This superbike concept using a modified V12 engine from the Ferrari Enzo supercar(Crazy idea!), chopped down to four cylinders and modified to drive just one wheel in a motorcycle frame. The V4 superbike features hand controls adapted from an F-16 fighter jet and bottons inspired by steering wheel of Ferrari's Formula 1 racecars. This Ferrari V4 Superbike other features included a all weather touch-screen LCD atop the fuel tank.

Grumpy Old Men

In case if you either missed it or haven't heard about it (which I doubt), here are excerpts from Wednesday night and Thursday night on the David Letterman Show where McCain stood him up.

Wednesday Night: The Night Letterman Was Stood Up

Thursday Night: The Night When He Holds The Grudge

Friday, September 26, 2008

Because you wont be able to hide from it...

Produced by the "up and coming" Atlanta duo, The Outsyders. It's a grower...
Download Britney Spears' WOMANIZER here!

There is a HQ version of this out there somewhere,  since this was ripped from the radio.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's too bad that some people are nuts...

This story is from

Brazilian Soccer Player Brutally Murdered

Brazil is in mourning after former Vasco de Gama player Thiago da Silva was brutally tortured and murdered, allegedly by hired assassins on the orders of his ex-girlfriend.

Da Silva, 25, who had been playing for second-division team Estacio de Sa Soccer Club, died in a Rio de Janeiro hospital Wednesday night, six days after being mortally shot in an attack by three men on a soccer field.

According to reports from the local police, the instigator of the crime is da Silva's former girlfriend.

Before he passed away, da Silva was able to tell the police that he had fallen into a trap last Thursday evening, shortly after discussing the end of his relationship with his girlfriend, Alyne Padula.

The former Vasco player was overwhelmed by three people (including a member of the military police), all of whom are friends of the girl's aunt.

He was handcuffed, beaten and tortured. When he tried to flee he was hit by three bullets.

Both the former girlfriend and her aunt, Marcia Padula Viana, were arrested on Sunday as instigators of the crime, and accused of hiring the assassins to kill da Silva.

A Couple Clips Of Interest

Apparently Tonight Show Host David Lameman takes being stood up by McCain personally. I approve.

And, I am a loyal follower or SXEPhil and Shay Carl's Video Blogs on YouTube. And here is the forth installment of their joint venture, Bam Bam Kaboosh. 

Zoom Zoom

The Vectrix Electric Super Bike by designer Robert Brady.

Just wait...*

This is the Elevate Lounge, part of the Takami Sushi & Robata Restaurant in Downtown Los Angeles.

*Sorry for being cryptic but you will have wait a couple weeks to see why this place is of personal interest [Hint: Womanizer]

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If you are easily offended...

Do NOT click this!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Movie Review: "Burn After Reading"

Movie: "Burn After Reading" (Rated R, Directed by The Coen Brothers)

Best Actor/Actress in the Film: Tied, John Malkovich and Brad Pitt (surprisingly)
Best Aspect of the Movie: The array of star-studded characters
Worst Actor/Actress in the Film: George Clooney
Worst Aspect of the Movie: Too Long
Conclusion: It's worth seeing once. The dialogue is hilarious at times and slow at other times; the contrast makes it funny.
Rajah Paws:  3 out of 4


Check out this excerpt from a kick-ass article from

Gene Therapy Restores Sight

With the help of gene therapy, two people who once were blind now can see.

The individuals -- their identities remain confidential -- are participants in an early-stage clinical trial of gene therapy for Leber's Congenital Amaurosis, a rare and untreatable form of congenital blindness.

Though the trial was designed to test the therapy's safety rather than its efficacy, its benefits were so impressive that the researchers decided to publicize their results.

Dark & Depressing But Beautiful

Ark is a short movie directed by Grzegorz Jonkajtys.

ark from videos11 on Vimeo.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Meet Ricky Gervais!

The producer and creator of the show The Office in the US, and originally played Michael Scott in the UK version of the show on BBC. Watch this clip from last night's Emmy awards. Hilarious!

If cartoon characters were real...

Brought to you by

Props to Melissa for showing me this.

Super Post-Its!

EepyBird's Sticky Note experiment from Eepybird on Vimeo.

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