Ring the bells of Peace!
Click below to check out the new song by Melissa Etheridge, Salman Ahmad & Deepak Chopra!
The song was written for the Alliance For A New Humanity
whose mission statement reads:
The Alliance recognizes at the core of its vision the unity of all life, and a wholehearted adherence to the noblest aspirations of humankind, as proclaimed in all spiritual and humanist traditions that call for compassion and the celebration of life. The values and principles of the emerging movement for a new humanity, and of the Alliance, which is trying to serve it, are based upon the support of policies, causes and actions that favor respect for life, human dignity, freedom, ecological sustainability and peace.
The basic tenet of the Alliance is a consciousness based on the inseparability of all life, i.e., that everything is connected and that therefore our well being is the well-being of everyone. This consciousness we believe cannot be just passive, otherwise it would remain irrelevant, it has to be expressed for the benefit of all through service that improves life for all mankind.

i'm just going to throw this out there.....
i much prefer when you write something in addition to posting a video. you know like, a few sentences on what you like about it, why you picked it etc. i feel it enhances my TT experience. thanks!
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