Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exciting Day!!!

Like many of you, I have been somewhat jaded by this overhyped and oversaturated election season; yet, somehow I feel invigorated today. [As cheesy as that may sound.]

No. I will not go out and tell you to vote for Obama, even though I think you should.*

I just want you to vote. Not because of the same boring reasons like "It's your duty!" or "The fate of the nation is in your hands!" No. I want you to vote because I want you to know how it feels.

During this past week, serving on a jury and voting, I have a new appreciation for the American democratic system. I believe it is so easy to take it for granted, as I have. To find the cliche-ness of it all, especially with the corny slogans used to justify war and the "spreading of democracy".

And I can ramble on and on about how I feel, but you need to know how it feels, only then will you get a sense of what I am saying.

I voted this morning. And it was actually...dare I say...fun.
*Some idiot pulled out and ripped my OBAMA sign in the front lawn, which I have had up for about a week. I don't really care, since I am in Massachusetts, but I can only sympathize with the idiot who did that. Why? Because (a) He/she thinks it will bother me. (b) He/she thinks it will make a difference. (c) He/she takes its so personally that they vandalize my property. (d) The sign is back up. (e) Obama is going to win *fingers crossed*.


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